When you first create a Thinkific account, check your inbox for a verification email from Thinkific to verify your email address.
Emails from Thinkific are sent from noreply@notify.thinkific.com or notifications@notify.thinkific.com. If you are using Email White Labelling, students will receive emails from the custom email domain you have set up with Thinkific.
You simply need to click on Confirm my account to complete the validation! If you have any issues, check out our troubleshooting steps below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why haven't received the validation email?
The validation email is automatically sent to the email address you used to sign up for your Thinkific account. If you don't see it right away, make sure to:
- Check your Inbox for the email address you used to sign up for Thinkific
- Search your Inbox and Spam folder for the subject line Please verify your email
- Make sure Thinkific's email addresses are added to your safe sender list in your email provider
Why doesn't the link doesn't work?
If you have located the validation email, but are having issues clicking on the link to complete the validation, please try the following:
- Clear your cache and restart your browser
- Try on a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, IE, Opera, etc). Sometimes it can be browser specific.
- Try on a different device or computer (mobile phone, tablet, PC/Mac laptop/desktop, etc.). Sometimes a certain device has trouble with a content type. This is rare but could be a problem.
Does the link expire?
No, the validation link does not expire.
What happens if I don't validate my email address?
- As the Site Owner, you will see an email validation notification across the top of your Admin Dashboard
- You will be restricted from completing a few actions until your email is validated, including connecting a payment integration, publishing a course, creating new users, and auto-login to our Thinkific Training site.
Can you resend the email?
Yes! If you need to resend the email, you can select Resend Email in the following areas of your site:
- Payments settings (Admin Dashboard > Settings > Payments)
- Course publish settings (Admin Dashboard > Products > Courses > Your course > Publish)
- Users table (Admin Dashboard > Users > All Users)
I verified my account. Why do I still see a bar across the top of my Thinkific site?
If you're still seeing the verification message at the top of your Thinkific site please try clearing your cache, then restarting the browser.