- My course has two subscription price options, are my students able to switch from one option to the other?
- How can my students switch from the monthly subscription to the annual subscription (and vice versa)?
If you have two subscription price options for your course, students can choose if they want to change their plan. You can also (optionally) provide a coupon code to use for the other available subscription plan.
To change their plan, your student will first need to cancel their current subscription for the course. They will still be enrolled and maintain access to their course until the end of the billing cycle. Your student can then repurchase the course at the other subscription price.
Students can manage their billing from their Student Dashboard, by clicking their name/photo in the top-right corner, My Account, then Billing.
Additionally, regardless of where the student is in that course when they cancel, when they enroll again in that same course with the alternative subscription price, their progress will be saved and they will be able to resume the course where they left off!
Learn More About
Create a Subscription Price for Your Course or Bundle
How can students manage their billing?
Is there a way for students to upgrade their membership automatically?