Prevent your students from skipping ahead in a course by ensuring that they watch your course video to your desired completion percentage.
About This Feature
Instructors running professional accreditation or certification courses are often required to make sure that students spend a minimum number of hours completing their training. This usually involves a regulation that students should not be able to skip ahead through videos.
When this feature is enabled, students will not be able to mark a Video Lesson as complete before they reach the specified completion percentage that you've set for the course.
How It Works
Once the student has watched the video to the completion percentage, the lesson is automatically marked complete at that point in the video.
The Continue button will appear once the student finishes watching the full video or the student will be able to navigate to the next lesson using the left-hand navigation.
If you are using the Legacy Course Player, you will need to update to the current Course Player.
How to Enable Video Completion (%) Required
- Go to Products
- Select Courses
- Click on the image of the course you want to edit
- Select Settings
- Select Progress & completion
- Check off Video completion (%) required
- In the Completion percentage field, set your desired completion percentage
- Click Save settings
This setting is applied on a per-course basis so any video completion required setting you enable will apply to all videos in your course.
If you're looking to prevent students from moving forward in the course before completing previous lessons, we suggest using this video completion required feature with the following:
- Enable lessons as prerequisites. This will prevent students from skipping ahead to the next chapter prior to marking all lessons in the previous chapters as complete.
- Remove the play bar from your videos. This will prevent students from fast-forwarding in the video so that they can reach the required completion percentage to mark the lesson as complete. The play bar will remain disabled until the student watches the video entirely for the first time.
- Please note this setting is not applicable to videos embedded within a Text Lesson.