- I changed my course URL and I think it may have broken the links for my current students. Is there any way to redirect from the old course URL to the new one?
- How can I redirect students from an old course landing page to a new one?
- I need to change my course URL, but don't want to break the link for my existing students.
First, let's review how your course landing page URL is formatted:
If you have a custom domain set up, then your product URL will be formatted:
In the above examples, course-name can be customized to your preference.
Learn more about it here: How to Find and Edit Your Product Landing Page URL.
What happens when I edit my URL?
When changing your course landing page URL, the previous course landing page URL will no longer function. Good news is, usually changing your course URL occurs early in the creation process, so not many students will have bookmarked your link. There are also many areas within your site that link to your course landing page, so often a change does not cause many issues.
That said, we know that there are some situations where you'd like to prevent broken links, so we have a couple options depending on your set up.
Custom Domains
If you have set up a custom domain for your site, you can set up a redirect directly in your domain host. This is the simplest option as domain hosts give you a lot of flexibility with redirects.
Thinkific Domains
The only way of redirecting an old course URL to a current URL when using a Thinkific subdomain is to:
- Recreate the previous URL by creating a new blank course
- Redirect the course landing page for the new blank course to your desired course landing page URL
1. Create a new course
Check out how to create a new course and update the course landing page URL to match your previous one here:
How to Find and Edit Your Product Landing Page URL
2. Redirect your course landing page
Now you'll want to set up a redirect on the new blank course to your new landing page. Check out how to do that here:
Copy Your Destination Course Landing Page URL (the page you want students to land on)
Add a Redirect on the Blank/Placeholder Course Landing Page
Important Considerations
- If using a custom domain, please reach out to your domain provider for instructions on how to set up redirects.
Learn More About
How to Find and Edit Your Product Landing Page URL