Add one or more instructor bios to show off their expertise — and get potential students excited to use your product!
In this article:
Adding an Instructor(s) Section
About This Section
An Instructor(s) section can be added to any page on your site. Use this section to give prospective students more information about who is teaching or facilitating your products!
In order to make use of this section, you must have some Instructor information populated in your site. The instructor titles, name and bios are all taken from your Instructors list; learn more about how to manage your Instructors.
Where to Use This Section
As this section is designed to showcase your instructors, the most popular pages to use it include:
Adding an Instructor(s) Section
- From your Admin Dashboard, go to Channels
- Click Website
- Select the page you want to edit by clicking on its card. This will open your Site Builder.
- Click Add section
- Select Instructor(s) from the list
- The new Instructor(s) section should appear at the bottom of your sections; drag the section to rearrange the position of the sections if necessary
- Click on Instructor(s) to open the section settings
- Click on the Add instructor bio button; a new card will appear in the Blocks section
- Click on the Instructor bio card and choose the Instructor whose info you want to appear
- Optional: Repeat steps 5-7 to add any additional instructors you want to include in the section.
- Optional: Customize the section as required (see below for options)
- Save your changes
Section Customization
Settings: The show instructor email checkbox controls whether or not to include an email link in the instructor's profile.
Headings: The heading is the title for the entire section, and the subheading appears directly below the heading. Alignment controls the alignment of the heading and subheading.
Layout: You can remove top or bottom section padding if there appears to be too much space between this and adjacent sections.
Instructor Bio: Select the Instructor you wish to profile from the drop-down. You can Add instructor bios if you want to feature more than one instructor; the section will include a carousel control to allow visitors to scroll through the different bios.
Important Considerations
If you want your Instructor bios to include formatting such as paragraphs, line breaks, or italics, you can achieve this by adding HTML markup to the Instructor bio on your Thinkific admin site. For example, if you wanted to add a paragraph, you would add a <p> at the beginning of the paragraph, and then a </p> at the end.
Section Examples
Empire (Jet)
Vision (Focus)
Vogue (Manhattan)
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More About Instructors
How to Manage Instructor Profiles
List of All Available Site Builder Sections