If you offer different pricing options for your courses, you can use a Pricing Options section to lay out the options, explain the difference, and steer your students in the direction that's right for them!
In this article:
Adding a Pricing Options Section
About This Section
The Pricing Options sections are intended for course creators who have courses with more than one pricing option and want a clear way to lay out the different options for their prospective students. They will automatically pull in all the pricing options for the selected course, including the Price label you have set up for each option.
You can use this section to bring attention to monthly payment plans for an expensive course, or to promote subscription-based access — it all depends on why your additional prices exist, and who is their target audience. If these alternate prices require more explanation or a more intense sales pitch than can fit in the available space, consider using an adjacent Checklist or Text & Media section to further emphasize the benefits.
Where to Use This Section
The Pricing Options section will automatically display all the prices for the product you select — if you want a focused way to promote a particular pricing option, check out the Upsells section instead!
Adding a Pricing Options Section
- From your Admin Dashboard, go to Channels
- Click Website
- Select the page you want to edit by clicking on its card. This will open your Site Builder.
- Click Add section and select Pricing options from the list
- (Optional) Rearrange the position of the new section, if necessary
- Click on Product and select the Course or Bundle whose prices you want to display
- Click on Headings and update the heading and subheading text
- (Optional) Customize the section further as required (see below for options)
- Click Save to apply your changes
Section Customization
Settings: The product drop-down controls which product's prices are being displayed. Changing the default price description will modify the label applied to the product's default price. If you want to change this label for the other prices, you will need to adjust it in the Pricing section of the individual course settings.
Headings: The heading is the title for the entire section. The subheading appears directly above or below (depending on your Theme), and can be used to add a few sentences about your different pricing options.
Button & text: You can adjust the button text and button style; each pricing option will have the same button.
Layout: You can remove top or bottom section padding if there appears to be too much space between this and adjacent sections. You can also toggle the layout between one and two columns: in a one-column layout, the heading and subheading appear above the pricing options, instead of to the left.
The heading alignment settings control the alignment of the headings in the two-column layout, but affect both the price options and headings in the one-column layout.
Important Considerations
- Along with the Pricing Options section, there is also an All Pricing Options [smart section] available in Site Builder. The smart section version is available on course and bundle landing pages. It will automatically select the related course or bundle when added to that specific page — otherwise these sections are the same.
- If you do not have multiple pricing options for your course, the Pricing Options section will only display your primary price.
Section Examples
Empire (Spark)
Vision (Thrive)
Vogue (Manhattan)
For in-depth examples of our different Themes and Styles in action, check out our Theme Demo Site. Use the buttons along the bottom of the page to browse all the different possibilities!
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I want to hide some of my pricing options?
If you prefer not to display all of your pricing options, we recommend using an Upsells section instead. The Upsells section will allow you to select specific products and pricing options to display as well as customize the description for each option.
More About Site Builder Sections
List of All Available Site Builder Sections