- How is the Play Rate statistic calculated for Video Analytics?
- How is the Play Rate statistic calculated in the Video Analytics section?
- Why my Play Rate is more than 100%?
For an uploaded video in your Video Library, you may see a Video Analytics Play Rate of more than 100%:
The Play Rate is the percentage of people who press play for your video after it loads on their page in the Thinkific Course Player. For example, if 100 students load a video lesson in the Course Player, but only 99 students press play, the Play Rate will be 99%.
A Play Rate of more than 100% means that one or more students watched the video more than once without refreshing their page. For example, if the first student to view the video lesson loads the lesson once, but watches the video three times, the Play Rate will be 300%.
Important Considerations
- The reported Play Rate is an average of the Play Rate for all students who loaded and/or viewed the video. This means that if one student loads the video once and plays it once (Play Rate = 100%), and one student loads the video once and doesn't click play (Play Rate = 0%), the reported Play Rate in Video Analytics will be 50%.