- The image(s) in my Image Gallery Site Builder Section are cropped on mobile, how do I fix it?
- I don't want my Image Gallery image(s) to be cropped on smaller devices
- Why is my image gallery cropped?
To avoid cropped images on mobile, you can use the Text & Media Site Builder Section and upload the image to the WYSIWYG editor. This method will allow you to display the whole image on mobile view.
Alternatively, you can upload the image outside of Thinkific (e.g. your own website) and copy the image URL into the heading of an Icon & Text Section with the following code:
<img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-71188" src="IMAGEURLGOESHERE" alt="ALTTEXTGOESHERE" width="100%" height="100%"/>.
This option does involve some custom coding so it may be best to speak with a developer before moving forward. If you are not comfortable with coding, you can always connect with one of our Thinkific Experts in our Experts Marketplace to assist you!