- If my customer's name or email is changed, how can I locate their previous transactions in the Transactions Report?
- I can't locate Thinkific Payments transactions after student updated their name and email
Before diving into how to do this, there is some functionality we want you to be aware of when viewing Thinkific Payment transactions on the Transactions Report!
The original transaction will include the buyer name and email at the time of the transaction. If they update their name/email later, the original name/email will still persist in the original transaction line on the Transaction Report. You will only see the updated name/email for transactions going forward. Refunds will have the same name/email as the original transaction in the refund line.
If you need to locate all Thinkific Payment transactions in your Transactions Report for a student who has updated their name or email, you search by User ID.
How to Access Thinkific User ID
When a new user is created in your account, they are automatically assigned a Thinkific User ID. To find out the User ID for a specific student:
- Go to Users
- Select All Users
- In the search bar, type your user's current name or email until you see them visible in the Users table
- On the top right of the Users table, select the Columns icon
- In the Choose visible columns popup, make sure ID is selected under User Identification
- Select Close to hide the popup
- Copy the number listed under the ID column
You can then use this ID number in the search field in your Transactions Report to view all transactions by that particular student. See how to navigate the Transaction Report here.
Important Considerations
- This applies to Thinkific Payments transactions visible on the Transactions Report only