- Does Thinkific integrate with PagSeguro?
We don't have a direct integration with PagSeguro. However, if this is a requirement for your business, it is possible to use an external checkout with Thinkific. Make sure to review our recommended set up below!
Before jumping to that, we also want to let you know that your course checkout page can integrate directly with Stripe and/or PayPal for a seamless student experience, which you can see how to set up here:
We also have integration options with Infusionsoft, Shopify and CheckoutJoy.
Recommended Set Up for Using PagSeguro with Thinkific
If you prefer to accept payment through PagSeguro, this is still an option, there will just be some additional set up required. After a student makes a purchase on your PagSeguro checkout, you'll simply need to manage how they are enrolled into your Thinkific course! We have details on how to set that up here:
External Payment Solution: What to Consider
External Payment Solution: Managing Enrollments
External Payment Solution: Recommended Thinkific Set Up