When viewing your students' progress, you will see a viewed percentage and a completed percentage. This article will cover the difference between these values and how they are tracked.
In This Article:
SCORM Course Progress Percentage
Viewed Percentage
Viewed percentage increases when a student clicks on a lesson within the Course Player sidebar. As soon as they click on the lesson name and that lesson is loaded, it will count as viewed. The student does not necessarily need to interact with the content in order for it to count toward the viewed percentage. For example, if your student clicked to access a particular video lesson, but did not actually play the video, that lesson would still count towards their viewed percentage.
A viewed percentage is calculated as follows:
Viewed percentage = Viewed lessons / Total lessons x 100%
Completed Percentage
Completed percentage increases when a student not only views a lesson but when they click the Complete & continue button to mark the lesson as complete. When a lesson is marked as complete, there will also be a checkmark indicator to the left of the lesson name in the Course Player sidebar.
A completed percentage is calculated as follows:
Complete percentage = Completed lessons / Total lessons x 100%
If you would like to change the text of your Complete & continue button, see Modify Site Text.
SCORM Course Progress Percentage
It is not possible to see the exact student's progress while the student is working through the SCORM-compliant course. The SCORM courses can only have a 0% or 100% completion - partial completion is not visible (e.g. it is not possible to see if a student has completed 50% of the SCORM course).
You can see the completion percentage for an individual user in the Users table. The Enrollments tab might display the following progress percentages for SCORM courses:
- 0% - Not started - the user is enrolled in a SCORM course but has not started the course
- 1% - In Progress - the user is enrolled AND started the SCORM course (without finishing). Note that the progress will display 1% regardless of the actual completion percentage (e.g. regardless of whether it is 1% or 95%)
- 100% - Complete - the user has completed the SCORM course
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my student have a higher viewed percentage than a completed percentage?
This means your student has navigated to lessons within your course but has not selected the Complete & continue button to mark those lessons as complete.
Why is my student at 100% completion, but has viewed less than 100%?
This means that the student completed the course previously and new content has been added to the course since they originally completed it. This is intentional default behavior to ensure students who completed the course in the past do not lose their completed status if you make updates later.
If you want students to log back in and complete the new content, you can adjust their status by Recalculating Progress.
What do I do if a student's course doesn't say 100% but they've completed all the lessons?
Sometimes students say they have completed all lessons, but the course completion percentage is not 100% and they are unable to complete their course or generate certificates. This often happens when a student uses the left-hand navigation bar, rather than the Complete & Continue button to move on. Ask the student to double-check if any lessons are not marked as completed in the sidebar and click the Complete & Continue button for these lessons.
If your student has selected this button for every lesson, you may see a different percentage if you have added or removed content from your course since they originally enrolled. If this is the case, recalculate progress to make sure their progress is calculated based on your current lessons.
If you would like to prevent a student from moving forward in your course without clicking this button, you can set your lessons as Prerequisite Lessons.