If you've added or removed lessons AFTER your students have already started taking your course, we recommend recalculating their completion percentage to ensure that their progress is up to date.
About This Feature
When you add or remove lessons from your course, existing student's progress calculation will be based on the original number of lessons included in the course. This means progress does not automatically update when the number of lessons changes. However, you can simply recalculate progress after adding or removing content to make sure that each student's progress is accurate!
Example Scenario
Jeff enrolls in your course when it contains 5 lessons. He completes the course, and the progress report shows he has 100% in the course.
After Jeff completes the course, you add 5 additional lessons to the course. As Jeff is already complete, he continues to show 100% completion but will show 50% viewed.
If you wish to reset Jeff's progress calculation, you can Recalculate Progress in the course progress report to recalculate Jeff's completion. After recalculating, Jeff's progress will accurately show 50% completion (based on the new total lesson count) and 50% viewed.
How to Recalculate Course Progress
- Go to Users
- Select Student Progress
- Click on Progress Reports to the right of your desired course
- Select Recalculate Completions
- Select OK in the warning popup
Great! Now the progress for all students enrolled in this course will be calculated based on the current lessons.
Important Considerations
- Once the re-calculation process is done, your student list in the Progress Report may be reordered. This is due to the progress re-calculation removing your students' Completed at date. Students with the most recent Completed at date will appear at the top. For students that don't have a Completed at date, they will be arranged by most recent Activated at date.
- If you have turned on Course Completion Email Notifications and an existing student completes your course to 100% after the re-calculation, this will re-trigger a course completion email. To prevent this, you can simply turn off your Course Completion Email temporarily and turn it back on after recalculating progress!
More About Student Progress
Understanding Viewed and Completed Progress