- I sold a course separately, but want to sell it in a bundle now
- I sold a community separately, but want to sell it in a bundle now
- Bundling up existing products
If you have already started selling your learning products individually and you want to sell them in a bundle now, you can do that! Thinkific allows you to sell the same products individually and as a part of a bundle at the same time. Simply add your product to a bundle by following the instructions here: Create a Product Bundle.
If you want your product to be accessible only as a part of a bundle, we recommend setting them to private and hidden so learners cannot accidentally purchase the products on their own. To encourage your learners to purchase a bundle that already includes a product they are enrolled in, consider offering them a discounted bundle price. You can achieve this by offering coupon codes.
Important Considerations
- If a student enrolls in a product with no expiry date (unlimited enrollment duration) and then enrolls in a bundle that has an enrollment duration, the student will have unlimited access to the product that was purchased originally.
- If a student enrolls in a product with an expiry date (a specific enrollment duration) and then enrolls in a bundle that has no expiry date (unlimited enrollment duration), the student will have unlimited access to the product that was purchased originally as well as other products in a bundle.
- If a student enrolls in a product with an expiry date (a specific enrollment duration) and then enrolls in a bundle that has a different expiry date, the product's expiry date will be determined by the date that is the most in the future.