If you have reset your Thinkific API key, or something else happens to cause your Zapier integration to break, this article will help you get everything back up and running as quickly and smoothly as possible!
As of January 4, 2023, we are updating our Zapier integration from API Key Authentication to OAuth. Creators who have connected with Zapier and have active zaps prior to this date will be able to continue using the legacy version with the option to migrate later to the latest version of Zapier with OAuth. If you need to reconnect your Zapier account to Thinkific, check out Installing Zapier with OAuth for more information.
In this article:
How to Reconnect Zapier to your Thinkific Account
How to Fix Stopped and Errored Zaps After Reconnecting
How to Reconnect Zapier to your Thinkific Account
- Go to https://zapier.com/app/connections.You will have to provide your Zapier account credentials if you are not already logged in.
- Beside Thinkific, click Reconnect. This will bring up a pop-up that will ask for and Thinkfiic subdomain.
- Paste your subdomain into the appropriate fields
Note: For your subdomain, do not include the .thinkific.com portion of your site URL - Click Yes, Continue
Once you have reconnected, you will not need to re-create any zaps. They will continue to function as expected going forward. Check out details below on how to handle temporary zap errors that may have occurred while you attempted to reconnect your accounts.
How to Fix Stopped and Errored Zaps After Reconnecting
If you have automated tasks in Zapier that returned errors due to reconnecting, make sure those actions still go through by rerunning those tasks manually
- In your Zapier sidebar, go to Task History
- Click on the Task Log tab
- Click on 'All Statuses' to filter on a new status, and select the Stopped/Errored status. Click away from the selection area to run the filter. This will bring up a list of all the Zaps that were unable to run.
- Click the checkbox at the top left of the list and choose to select all the tasks
- Once they are selected, click on the Play 5000 button. This will run all your selected tasks.
- If you have more than 5000 stopped tasks, you will need to do this more than once. (Keep in mind that the button always says 'Play 5000', even if you have less than five thousand tasks in your list.)
Note: If you have a lot of other tasks that are stopped/errored and the list size is becoming unmanageable (or you are worried about restarting those other tasks), you can also use additional filters at the top of the page to narrow down your search. For example, you could set the Date Range to the period during which your zap stopped working.