Vogue Theme changelog for developers working with Site Builder themes.
Version 1.28.11 (2025-01-16)
Bug fixes
- community_footer_scripts.liquid: add community footer scripts file
Version 1.28.10 (2023-11-01)
Bug fixes
theme.scss: remove non-existing student certificate import
imports.scss: add missing semi-colon to $icon__font-family
Version 1.28.9 (2022-11-07)
Bug fixes:
description, icon_and_text: fix padding settings
- course_cards: fix featured card
- pricing_options: add missing endquote to fix default price
- replace
with the standard apostrophe character - thinkific_branding: make ids unique
Version 1.28.4 (2022-09-26)
- banner_community, call_to_action_community, community_overview: add new sections for community pages
- community: add new page
- header: update user dropdown behaviour
- header, footer: update default link to "All Products"
- remote_sign_in: update aria-label
- card, featured_card: add product type and optional product metadata
- cards: add support for community products
- dashboard_community_card: add new buttons
- checkout_thankyou: update to accept multi products
Bug fixes
- form_validation_script: update password validation
- dashboard_course_card: fix truncation of card name
- script: fix long reviews
- course_cards: fix background overlap
- _section_checklist: update icon size
- _section_page_header: fix mobile cta width
- mixins, _page_checkout: fix form alignments
- student_dashboard: fix typo
Version 1.27.0 (2022-04-18)
- card, featured_card: Add new snippets to replace old cards
- manifest: Add new fonts
- _base_products: Update style of product cards
- _base_typography: Remove text transform
- banner_course: update default buttons for pre-order courses
- category_card: move category name to below image
- course_curriculum_card: update price detail icon
- course_curriculum: Added new empty state
- countdown_timer: Adjusted breakpoints
- imports: add new variables, just default input borders
- lead_capture: Make disabled button more accessible
- manifest: Adjust Page (tertiary) colour of Parker preset style
- page_header: harmonized site name link behaviour and my dashboard link behaviour
- reviews: Change all review stars to yellow, adjust focus state
- script: Remove scroll of single item in sections using owl carousel
Bug fixes
- banners: Fix logo overlap with transparent headers, and button alignments
- _base_products: Fixed stretched images (will always maintain 16:9)
- call_to_action: Fix extra large size alignment
- card: Fix bundle card "Courses" translation always being plural
- checkout: remove autofocus
- faq: Fixed alignment and mobile padding issues, and duplicate icon issue in safari
- footer: fixed alignment issues and ARIA attribues
- icon_and_text: Fix overlapping of multiple sections
- meta_tags: remove extra descriptions
- my_account: Fixed ARIA attributes
- page_header: fix sticky header scroll issues, move skip link
- testimonials: Fix background colour and mobile buttons with no bottom padding
Version 1.23.4 (2021-12-02)
- banner_course: Update "Picture-in-Picture" section to "Image or Video"
- banner, banner_bundle: Add same settings as Banner (course)
- call_to_action_course: Add new section
- course: Add call_to_action_course section by default
- manifest: Add new typography settings, update Manhattan and Classic styles, add Page (tertiary) background colour setting and new button styles
- typography: update headings
Bug fixes
- testimonials: Fix background colour and mobile buttons with no bottom padding
- icon_and_text: Fix overlapping of multiple sections
Version 1.22.2 (2021-11-12)
- banner, banner_bundle, banner_course: Add background color option and make it default
- course_curriculum: Add ability to hide lessons
- course_curriculum, course_curriculum_card: Add new course details card to Curriculum section
- manifest: Add new fonts, update Parker style
- banner, banner_bundle, banner_course: Change text color override and image overlay to only work with image backgrounds
- _base_typography: Update default font sizing
course_curriculum: Do not expand the first chapter if collapse_by_default is true
course_cards, course_cards_all: update background default
- imports: update xlarge section height
- manifest: Update Parker style
- page_header, utility, section__headings: Update padding
Version 1.21.16 (2021-11-03)
Performance Improvements
- font_loader: Change CDN used for loading font-awesome
Version 1.21.14 (2021-10-13)
Bug Fixes
- _mixins: remove ordering from button mixin
Version 1.21.13 (2021-09-13)
- footer: add social link alternative text for better accessibility
- meta_tags: make default page titles more unique
- lead_capture: add a success message announcement for screenreaders
Bug Fixes
- gallery:fix image heights of image gallery section
- my_account_certificates_page: change a certificate date format in my account
- course_curriculum: fix aria-expanded attributes for better accessibility
- page_header, header_user_menu: accessibility fix for the mobile menu and header menu
- _mixins: add prefers-reduced-motion check
- my_account_menu: use aria-current for active menu links for better accessibility
- dashboard_course_card: accessibility improvements on progress bar
- course_action_buttons: remove enroll free button if user can resume
- frequently_asked_questions: replace hidden checkbox with html5 details
- reviews: add aria-label to "Read More/Less" links for better accessibility
Version 1.20.0 (2021-03-30)
- sections: add previewImageUrl and previewDescription fields to section schemas
Performance improvements
- image-optimization: bump image logo width attribute to max possible value
- image-optimization: limit image dimensions to avoid images bigger than expected
- image-optimization: use srcset attribute to render images according to pixel density of screens
- remove old html5shiv
Version 1.19.1 (2021-02-19)
Bug Fixes
- signin_form: add honeypot field for invisible recaptcha and to stop spam bots
Version 1.19.0 (2021-02-17)
Bug Fixes
- carousel, testimonials: center testimonials heading by default, fix positioning of carousel arr
- script: move instructor & reviews scripts, scope them to their sections
- script: move logo & testimonials scripts, scope to their sections
- checkout_signin: add honeypot field to student checkout/sign up
- signup: if recaptcha enabled, stop form submission if honeypot field filled
- signup_form: add honeypot field to signup form
- script: replace Smooth Scrolling script with scroll-behavior CSS feature
Version 1.18.3 (2021-01-26)
Bug Fixes
- Video: fix Picture in Picture videos not playing, move banner_course script to script.js
- script: remove deprecated document.ready wrapper
Version 1.18.2 (2021-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- banner: hide free preview/trial button if there are custom buttons
- banner_course: fix Picture in Picture being misplaced when course is private
- countdown: move countdown script to script.js
- course_curriculum: move JS to script.js to allow multiple curriculum sections to open/close
- pages/bundle, pages/course: add back banner to schema
- video: move video script to script.js
- countdown: remove aria-atomic="true" to have aria-live="off" by default
- jQuery: update deprecated events to use .on(), remove FastClick
Version 1.18.1 (2020-12-07)
- banner_course: add video
- banner_course: fix css
- banner_course: move video outside of article
Version 1.18.0 (2020-09-28)
- my_account_notifications_page: add new community notification
Bug fixes:
- page-header: Prevent headerHeight not found error
Version 1.17.1 (2020-08-26)
Bug fixes:
- student certificate: allow students to download their certificate
Bug fixes:
- Add private bundles feature to Vogue
- labels: use explicit labels only where possible
Version 1.16.4 (2020-06-04)
Bug fixes:
- student_certificate: makes download button and copy url link available for everyone in the certificates page
Version 1.16.3 (2020-05-28)
Bug fixes:
- page_header: check if logo exists before running bind
- _section_page_header: add floating header padding for new certificates page
- student_certificate_page: remove wrapper
- meta_tags: Add Twitter title meta tag
Version 1.16.2 (2020-05-28)
Bug fixes:
- checkout_thankyou: fix wrong closing tag
- course_curriculum: fix overlapping of free preview tag
- form_validation_script: fix select value
- _section_course_categories,_base_products, _section_bundle_include: update card dimensions
- instructor, reviews, showcase, testimonials: remove translations from owl carousel
- _section_showcase: remove height on mobile
- page_header, logo: get logo height before determining header height
- _section_page_header: adjust padding for first section under a floating header
- dashboard_course_card: 'resume course' button available when course is complete
- add student_certificate_page and student_certificate_section for viewing Thinkific Certificate
Version 1.15.2 (2020-02-13)
Bug fixes:
- signup_form, signin_form: fix missing translations
- section_style_card_alignment: center product cards on mobile and smaller screens
- meta_tags: fix product description not being used as SEO description
- signin_form, signup_form: remove auto-focus on sign in and sign up forms, causing an error to display right away
- section_utility_header_style, _section_page_header: apply transparent and sticky header on Coming Soon, Student Dashboard, and Collection pages
- image_and_text: remove extra left padding
- _section_faq: fix clicking on answer causing the element to collapse, and not allowing links to work
Version 1.15.1 (2020-01-16)
Bug fixes:
- checkout: update stripe badge image urls
Version 1.15.0 (2020-01-07)
Bug fixes:
- coming_soon_page: include proper sections for use on coming soon page in site builder
- gallery: fix image alt text
- instructor, reviews, showcase, testimonials: adjust looping of owl carousel and add aria-labels to buttons
- meta_tags: update the favicons
- forms: add more form validation with new snippet 'form_validation_script'
- page_header, logo: add the ability to include alt text for site logo
- thinkific_branding: add new thinkific branding snippet
- links: add icon to indicate when link opens in new window
- headings: adjust all heading structures and adjust the stylesheets accordingly
- accessibility: add missing translation snippets, necessary screen reader only text, and other small accessibility improvements
- _section_banner, _section_banner_bundle, _section_banner_course: remove auto hyphenation
Version 1.14.0 (2019-12-05)
- checkout_thankyou_upsells, course_card, _base_products, _section_checkout_thankyou_upsells: add new banner for presell course cards
- checkout_thankyou: change presell courses to have go to dashboard button
- dashboard_course_card: presell course cards have links to course player removed
- .version: System version number bumped to 2.5.0
Version 1.12.15 (2019-11-01)
Bug Fixes:
- new_course_review_page: fix course review stars to default to 5
- _page_course_review: adjust focus style of star inputs
Version 1.12.13 (2019-09-20)
Bug Fixes:
- _base_products: adjust sizing of product items to remain 16:9
- _mixins: remove max-height: 100% on make-container to fix chrome77 header and footer issue
- _page_checkout: fix scrolling issue on mobile
- _page_collections: adjust sizing of product items to remain 16:9
- _page_coming_soon: remove unneeded styles causing extra padding
- _section_course_curriculum: fix free preview tag overlap
- _section_gallery: Fix the padding in the image gallery
- countdown: fix accessibility errors
- course_categories: fix category name with correct variable
- section_style_card_image_overlay: properly target course title
- section_style_content_alignment: add banner buttons to justify-content to fix center and right alignment
- _base: fix focus styles for links so they are visible
- _base_forms: fix focus styles on links and forms
- _base_pagination: center pagination
- _base_utility: remove owl dots, adjust owl nav buttons to inherit primary button styles
- _section_faq: add focus styles to the arrows
- _section_student_dashboard_communities: adjust section padding
- all images: use lazy loading for images for better performance
- course_card, bundle_card, bundle_featured_card, course_featured_card, dashboard_community_card, dashboard_card: use empty alt tags to hide from screen readers since an appropriate alt tag cannot be used at this time
- instructor, reviews, showcase, testimonials: remove owl dots, use arrow navigation with loop, and add image widths to prevent image size jumps
- reviews: hide inputs from screen readers since they are not meant to be interacted with here
- star: add aria-label to star for accessibility
- student_dashboard: remove option to hide course title and move communities section below course cards on dashboard
Version 1.12.0 (2019-08-28)
- dashboard_community_card: add new snippet for community card
- student_dashboard: add student_dashboard_communities to default student dashboard section
- student_dashboard_communities: add new section
- theme: import new section styles to theme
- _section_student_dashboard_communities: add new section styles
- _page_dashboard: change h1 styles on dashboard page