If you’re using the Infusionsoft (by Keap) app to take payments, you can send your students directly from your Infusionsoft Thank You page to Thinkific so that they can start learning right away!
Keap/Infusionsoft recently updated their application with a new interface and navigation. As part of this update, they split existing Infusionsoft users onto a 'Max Classic' version of their software, which maintained the previous interface. This article is written for the Max Classic interface.
If you have created your Keap account after February 2021, you are likely on the updated version of the application. We are in the process of updating our documentation to match these changes.
What does this look like?
Using the instructions below, you'll be able to send students from your Infusionsoft Thank You page to Thinkific. After making a purchase, your student will click on a link on your Thank You page, then go to a Thinkific loading screen. The loading screen loads for approximately 30 seconds. During this time the HTTP post you’ve set up in Infusionsoft is firing and the data is being sent from Infusionsoft to Thinkific to both create the student’s account and enrol them in a course. After this action is complete, the loading screen directs students to Thinkific’s Express Sign In page where the student sets their Thinkific account password. After the student sets their password, they are brought to their Dashboard where they can see the courses they are enrolled in, and click on one to start learning.
Your campaign and HTTP post need to be set up in Infusionsoft to handle the account creation and enrollment. These steps only direct students from Infusionsoft to Thinkific.
Here’s how to set it up:
Once you're logged into Infusionsoft, start out by heading to your E-commerce Setup.
Then, click through to your Order Forms, and open up your Order Form that you've created for your course.
From your Order Form, click on Snippets, and click on the HTML Snippet icon:
Then, add the following to your HTML element:
https://mysite.thinkific.com/users/express_signin?email=~Contact.Email~"Click here to sign in"
You can replace "Click here to sign in" text with what you would like the link to say on your Thank You page.
Be sure to replace the URL above with your Thinkific URL or custom domain that you're using for Thinkific.
Here's an example of a complete HTML element:
Once you set this up, as well as your Infusionsoft campaign with your HTTP post, please make sure to test it to confirm everything has been set up properly.
To test your setup, take the following steps:
Log out of your Thinkific account
Preview up your Infusionsoft order form
- Use the test information provided by Infusionsoft under the second step in this article
Check Out using a test email address that is not your Thinkific site admin email, or any email address that is already registered to your Thinkific site. Also do not use any email addresses with "+" symbols in them
Click on the button that is on your Thank You page
You should be brought to a loading screen, then the Thinkific Express Sign In page asking you to set your password
Once you've set your password, you should then see your student dashboard with the course you just bought
Once you've confirmed your Express-Sign In link is working correctly, you should be good to go!
More About Infusionsoft
Infusionsoft (by Keap) App: Supported Features
Infusionsoft (by Keap) App: Tag Users
Infusionsoft (by Keap) App: Taking Payment for your Thinkific Courses