Make any images or videos mobile friendly with a quick change in the HTML view of the editor for that page or lesson. Read on to learn how to set this up!
To set your image or videos to responsive, follow these steps:
- Insert your image or video into the Text Lesson
- Click the image or video to reveal a blue outline
- Check the Responsive box
Alternatively, manually make changes to the code:
<img src="URL FOR IMAGE">
<img src="URL FOR IMAGE" width="100%" height="auto">
Here’s an example:
This will make the image the full width of the page - if you’d like it to take up less space then you just need to change width="100%" to a different number.
Once you’ve saved your changes, your image will now be responsive across screen sizes! To test this out, try dragging the size of your browser window around whilst previewing your page or lesson.