Sometimes you might notice that your Order numbers don't appear in numerical order and numbers are skipped.
In this article:
Incomplete Payments in Stripe Due to Strong Customer Authentication
Subscriptions with Free Trials
Subscriptions with a 100% off Coupon on Custom First Payment
Failed Payments
With Thinkific, each attempted purchase is recorded and assigned an order number. This includes cases where a payment is not successful (ie. the bank declined the charge on the card or there is insufficient funds).
If you are using Thinkific Payments, orders for failed payments will show up on your Transactions report, which only displays Thinkific Payments transactions.
For Stripe and Paypal, the order will still be recorded but not reflected on the Orders report and Export. As such, some order numbers will be appear as though they are skipped or missing.
However, you can always check in your Stripe account for any failed transactions and you'll most likely see the missing orders there as a failed payment.
You can also learn more about failed payments here: Why can't my students buy my course?
Incomplete Payments in Stripe Due to Strong Customer Authentication
If you are based in the EEA, your students may be required to complete additional authentication before purchasing using their credit card. In this case, you may see payments in your Stripe account that are marked as "incomplete" rather than "succeeded" or "failed".
The payments are considered incomplete until a student has successfully completed authentication for their card during checkout. Upon successful authentication, we will complete the order and enroll your student into the course or bundle.
In order for us to handle this through our Stripe integration, it does require assigning an order number to all payment attempts. We then we create a new order once the payment has been successfully authenticated. In these cases, the first order that was marked "incomplete" in Stripe will not show on your Thinkific Orders report. Any "incomplete" orders will appear as a missing order number in Thinkific.
Subscriptions with Free Trials
Our Orders table shows orders that have a transaction completed (payment taken or coupon applied for a 100% discount). However, if you are selling a course or bundle using our subscription pricing with a free trial, when the student first signs up and purchases that course, they are started on a free trial which does not count as a transaction since no payment was taken, and will not appear on your Orders table.
After the free trial ends and successful payment is taken for the subscription, you will see this as a new line item on your Orders table.
Subscriptions with a 100% off Coupon on Custom First Payment
If you have a coupon that applies a 100% discount to a custom first payment on a subscription, no payment is taken, so no charge will appear on your Orders table for the custom first payment.
When a successful payment is taken for the subscription after the custom first payment, you will see this as a new line item on your Orders table.
Free Courses
Note that student enrollments for free courses will count as an order and are displayed on your Orders table.