Occasionally, you may receive requests to cancel subscriptions or payment plans for your students. When this happens, follow the steps in the article below to help your students cancel their payment plan, and take a look at what other options are available.
In this article:
How to Cancel a Student's Subscription or Payment Plan
How It Works
This article will outline how to cancel a subscription or payment plan on behalf of your student. It is important to note that although there may be circumstances that require you to cancel subscriptions or payment plans for your students, your students are also able to manage their own accounts from their profiles (more about this below in the FAQ section).
Before canceling a student's subscription or payment plan, you may want to consider the less permanent option of pausing the student account. This option allows you to pause the payments and access to your products on a student's subscription or payment plan and set either a specific date to resume billing or manually resume billing when the time comes.
How to Cancel a Student's Subscription or Payment Plan
If you need to cancel a student's subscription or payment plan you can do so from the Payments table:
- From your Admin Dashboard, select Users
- Select All Users
- In the Users table click on a student's Full Name to view their profile
- Select the Payments tab
- Click the ellipses (3 dot icon). This button will only show for students with Active or Past due statuses.
- Select Cancel Subscription or Cancel Payment Plan
- Type cancel into the text field
- Click to Cancel Subscription or Cancel Payment Plan. Please note that this action will finalize the cancelation
Once the cancelation is complete, the Status of the subscription or payment plan will automatically update to Canceled in the Payments table. The student will lose access to the product on the date their next recurring payment was due (i.e. at the end of their current billing period).
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my students cancel their own subscriptions?
Yes. Students are able to cancel their own subscriptions from their account profile (as outlined in our How can students manage their billing and credit card information? article).
Can I unenroll a student from a product to remove their access immediately?
Yes. For instructions on manually removing students from bundles, please refer to our article on How to Unenroll Students and Process Refunds.
Can my student reactivate their account at a later date?
Yes. Students can always reactivate their account at a future date if they wish, although they may be required to re-enter their removed credit card information to reactivate the subscription.